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I am one of the Muslims




Welcome to

Personal Website for Rania Al-Maghraby

Peace be upon you




The top is narrow, and the few who are able to reach it are the few who are willing to take the less traveled path.

(a say of mine)
arabic proverb



Please note that I don't have, and never had, any profiles or pages on any of the social media websites, except this LinkedIN Profile that I created for business reasons. I receive connect invitations and friend requests almost on a daily basis. I apologize for not being able to accept these invitations. I declare that it's not out of ignorance. Note: Facebook auto-created this page for me because of repetitive searches. This page doesn't belong to me.





Merit is for nobody but people of knowledge

                              They are guides to those who seek guidance

The value of each man is what he excels at

                              And ignorant people to people of knowledge are foes

Win knowledge with which to remain alive forever

                              People are to die, while people of knowledge are alive

Arabic poetry




Some goodies to share (updated irregularly)


{Know that the life of this world is only a frolic and mummery, an ornamentation, boasting and bragging among yourselves, and lust for multiplying wealth and children. It is like rain so pleasing to the cultivator for his vegetation which sprouts and swells, and then begins to wither, and you see it turn to yellow and reduced to chaff. There is severe punishment in the Hereafter, but also forgiveness from God, and acceptance. As for the life of this world, it is no more than merchandise of vanity.}

[Quran, 57:20]







We don't recognize something called state of Israel. Consequently, we don't recognize anything beyond this point, and anything means just anything. It's all one big myth, and it's all just continuation on the myth, regardless of the specifics of anything done. It doesn't deserve any more words than that, it all boils down to the first issue, not consequences. Go back to the first issue.


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